How to change the root URL (move Magento 2 to another domain)?

Magento 2.0 similar to Magento 1.x stores shop root URL in the core_config_data database table.
The record paths are same: web/unsecure/base_url и web/secure/base_url.

So you can change root URL by SQL query:

UPDATE core_config_data 
SET value = '' 
WHERE path IN ('web/secure/base_url', 'web/unsecure/base_url');

It is sufficient for Magento 1.x but not for Magento 2.0.
Magento 2.0 for some strange purpose additionally stores root URL in the third path: design/head/includes

The record looks like:

<link  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"  media="all" href="<root URL>/pub/media/styles.css" />

So you need one more SQL query:

UPDATE core_config_data
SET value = REPLACE(value, '<old root URL or domain>', '<new root URL or domain>')
WHERE path = 'design/head/includes';

For example:

UPDATE core_config_data
SET value = REPLACE(value, '', '')
WHERE path = 'design/head/includes';

Then delete the cache:

rm -rf var/cache/*